Tag Archives: speakers

Emotion Meets Action

6th International Summer School in Affective Sciences with Expert Meeting (ISSAS14)
July 6-14, 2014
Château de Bossey – Geneva (Switzerland)
·         Theories of emotion and action
·         Overlapping topics: goal relevance, goal-directed action, expectancy/ prediction error, control, agency, effort, action tendencies, affordances.
·         Integrative models
·         Emotion meets action in fiction and music
·         Emotions and reasons for action
Confirmed speakers:
Michael Brady, Giorgio Coricelli, Charles Carver, Wil Cunningham, Julien Deonna, Ronald de Sousa, Frédérique de Vignemont, Sanne Dewit, Andreas Eder, Luciano Fadiga, Nico Frijda, Guido Gendolla, Didier Grandjean, Patrick Haggard, Bernhard Hommel, Marc Leman, Olivier Massin, Agnes Moors, Keith Oatley, John O’Doherty, Elisabeth Pacherie, Joëlle Proust, Wolfgang Prinz, Peter Railton, Rainer Reisenzein, Richard Ridderinkhof, Erik Rietveld, David Sander, Andrea Scarantino, Klaus Scherer, Dorit Wenke, and Hong Yu Wong
Deadline for applications: March 24th, 2014
David Sander, Agnes Moors, Bernhard Hommel, Julien Deonna, Didier Grandjean, and Cristina Soriano