Category Archives: Vacatures

Vacatures voor psychonomen

PhD position in the Dutch Research Consortium ‘Language in Interaction’ (1 FTE)

Maximum salary: € 2,664 gross/month
Application deadline: 1 February 2015
For more information click here 

The NWO Gravitation consortium ‘Language in Interaction’ invites applications for a PhD position on “Processing Vague Expressions: The Interplay between Semantics, Pragmatics and Cognition”.

A vague term like ‘big’ can be easily used and processed when there is a clear gap between bigger and smaller objects. We will test the hypothesis that a gap in distribution is the default criterion used in the processing of vague words in classificatory tasks, but that other criteria might also come into play. We will also test whether a similar default exists for the processing of quantity expressions such as ‘most’ (use the approximate number system if there is a gap, and precise counting otherwise). The ultimate goal is a unified theory of the processing of vague expressions.

The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The research consortium ‘Language in Interaction’, sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific research (NWO) brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands with a research programme on the foundations of language. The consortium includes representatives from seven universities and one research institute in the Netherlands. These are: Radboud University (RU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), University of Maastricht (UM), Leiden University (LU), Utrecht University (UU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (TiU), and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI). Excellence in the domain of language and related relevant fields of cognition is combined with state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample experience in complex research methods and utilization. This consortium achieves both quality and critical mass for studying human language at a scale not easily found anywhere else in the world.

This project will involve collaborative work to be carried out at the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. Van Rooij) and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University (Prof. H. Schriefers). The position will be embedded in the ILLC.
Both institutes conduct research in an international setting. English is the lingua franca.

Click here for more information on the Junior PI position and how to apply.


Junior PI Position ‘Neuroanatomy of Language’ in Dutch Research Consortium ‘Language in Interaction’ (1 FTE)

Maximum salary: € 5,070 gross/month
Closing date: 01 February 2015
Click here for more information.

The NWO Gravitation consortium ‘Language in Interaction’ invites applications for a junior PI position.
We are looking for a highly motivated, creative and talented researcher who is able to establish a junior PI group on ‘the neuroanatomy of language’. The junior PI and his/her group will enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language at multiple levels. The goal is to understand both the universality and the variability of the human language faculty from genes to behaviour.
You will be given the opportunity to establish your own independent research group, and you will have free access to the Donders Institute’s scanning facilities. You will be expected to conduct research in one or more research areas relevant to the position applied for. Supervision of BSc, MSc and PhD projects will be part of your responsibilities. Administrative duties will include local and/or national and international committee memberships. You will be provided with budgetary resources for a PhD candidate or technician, materials and consumables.

The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The research consortium ‘Language in Interaction’, sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific research (NWO) brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands with a research programme on the foundations of language. The consortium includes representatives from seven universities and one research institute in the Netherlands. These are Radboud University (RU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), University of Maastricht (UM), Leiden University (LU), Utrecht University (UU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (TiU), and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI). Excellence in the domain of language and related relevant fields of cognition is combined with state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample experience in complex research methods and utilization. This consortium achieves both quality and critical mass for studying human language at a scale not easily found anywhere else in the world.

The position will be embedded in the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Both institutes conduct research in an international setting. English is the lingua franca.

Click here for more information on the Junior PI position and how to apply.

Postdoc position in Cognitive Neuroscience (Leiden University)

Postdoc position in Cognitive Neuroscience Closing date: 24 November 2014

For more information:

Research Project “Arousal, neural gain and cognitive function” Arousal has a wide variety of effects on human attention and performance, as documented in a rich empirical literature that was developed mainly before the 1980s. The computational and neural mechanisms underlying these effects, however, are still poorly understood. The goal of the present project is to revisit this literature and try to understand the relationships between arousal and cognition by applying recent computational models and insights about the role of neuromodulator systems in cognitive function (e.g., models of the noradrenergic modulation of neural gain). The newly developed ideas can then be tested using various methods, including EEG, genetics, psychopharmacology, and pupillometry. Although much of the research will be focused on the brain, the main goal is to understand the basic mechanisms underlying the influence of arousal on cognitive function.

Seven PhD Positions in the Dutch Research Consortium ‘Language in Interaction’

Maximum salary: € 2,664 gross/month
Closing date: 30 September 2014
For more information:

We are looking for highly motivated PhD candidates to enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language at multiple levels. The goal is to understand both the universality and the variability of the human language faculty from genes to behaviour.

The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. This research consortium sponsored by a large grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific research (NWO) brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands with a research programme on the foundations of language. The research team consists of 43 Principal Investigators. In addition to the excellence in the domain of language and related relevant fields of cognition, our consortium provides state-of-the-art research facilities and a research team with ample experience in the complex research methods that will be invoked to address the scientific questions at the highest level of methodological sophistication. These include methods from genetics, neuroimaging, computational modelling, and patient-related research. This consortium realizes both quality and critical mass for studying human language at a scale not easily found anywhere else.

Currently, the consortium advertises seven PhD positions for a period of 4 years. Depending on the PhD position applied for, candidates will be appointed at one of the home institutions of the consortium. These positions provide the opportunity for conducting world-class research as a member of an interdisciplinary team.

Click here for more information on the PhD positions and how to apply.

Three Tenure Track Positions – Dutch Research Consortium “Language in Interaction”

For more information click here.

The Dutch NWO Gravitation consortium “Language in Interaction” invites applications for three tenure track positions. These positions are offered with a view to long-term embedding of interdisciplinary language research.
Successful candidates will be given the opportunity to establish their own independent research group. You will be expected to conduct research in one or more research areas relevant to the position applied for. Supervision of BSc, MSc and PhD projects will be part of your responsibilities. Administrative duties will include local and/or national committee memberships. Some contribution to teaching will be appreciated. You will be provided with budgetary resources, a PhD student or technician, materials and consumables.

The Netherlands has an outstanding track record in the language sciences. The Language in Interaction consortium brings together many of the excellent research groups in the Netherlands in a research programme on the foundations of language.

Depending on the tenure track position applied for, the successful candidate will be appointed at one of the following partner institutes:

1) Radboud University Nijmegen & RadboudUMC – Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour

2) Radboud University Nijmegen – Centre for Language Studies

3) University of Amsterdam – Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
All these institutions conduct research in an international setting. English is the lingua franca.

We are looking for highly motivated, creative and talented researchers with a strong research profile. Each tenure track position has its own requirements and profile.

General requirements for the tenure track positions are:
− a PhD degree in a field relevant to the position concerned;
− an established international reputation;
− strong track record of peer-reviewed international publications;
− experience with successfully applying for external funding;
− experience with (co-)supervision of PhD students;
− management skills required for academic leadership;
– outstanding teaching skills, teaching experience, and a clear vision on teaching.

More information on the three tenure track positions offered and how to apply can be found here.

Job offer, PhD position Healthy Ageing at Work (Groningen)

Promovendus Healthy ageing at work (1,0 fte) (214116)


De Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen doet onderzoek dat de mens centraal stelt. De vragen betreffen de mens als individu, de onderlinge relaties van mensen en de samenleving als geheel. Er is zowel aandacht voor het normale functioneren van mensen als voor problemen van mensen of groepen en de wijze waarop deze problemen kunnen worden opgelost of voorkomen.

De RUG en het UMCG zijn samen met een aantal noordelijke bedrijven en andere kennisinstellingen gestart met het onderzoeksprogramma SPRINT@Work. Binnen dit programma worden producten ontwikkeld en getest met als doel om de arbeidspopulatie, en met name de oudere werknemer, in Noord-Nederland langer, gezonder en productiever te laten (door)werken. Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van de aanwezige kennis op het gebied van biomedische technologie, zorg- en fitnesstechnologie, multi-media toepassingen, gaming, sensortechnologie en monitoring. Deze combinatie opent een wereld aan nieuwe mogelijkheden om innovatieve technieken te ontwikkelen en bovenal deze technieken succesvol toe te passen om zo een gezonde werkplek te realiseren voor oudere werknemers. SPRINT@Work zal ook leiden tot economische ontwikkeling omdat bedrijven die de innovatieve technieken leveren hun positie op de Europese en mondiale groeimarkt aanzienlijk zullen versterken.


Het programma biedt in totaal plaats aan vier promovendi, waarvan een promovendus wordt aangesteld bij de afdeling Experimentele Psychologie van de RUG. Uw taken als onderzoeker zijn o.a. het voorbereiden en uitvoeren van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, en het analyseren van de gegevens, het schrijven van wetenschappelijke tijdschriftartikelen met een academisch proefschrift als einddoel.


U hebt aantoonbare ervaring met experimenteel onderzoek en het meten van psychofysiologische maten (o.a. EEG/EMG). U kunt programmeren in MATLAB of bent bereid en in staat u zich dit in korte tijd eigen te maken. U bezit bovendien een sterke motivatie om wetenschappelijk onderzoek te doen, een zelfstandige onderzoeksinstelling en u kunt goed samenwerken. U heeft een masterdiploma (Experimentele/Cognitieve) Psychologie of een gelijkwaardige, en voor dit project relevante, wetenschappelijke opleiding. U heeft goede studieprestaties, blijkend uit uw studiepakket en cijferlijst. U kunt zowel mondeling als schriftelijk gemakkelijk communiceren in het Nederlands en in het Engels. In dit project moet veel overlegd en afgestemd worden met cliënten, praktijkmensen, onderzoekers en studenten. Het is daarom belangrijk dat u ook goed kunt plannen en samenwerken.


De Rijksuniversiteit Groningen biedt een salaris van minimaal € 2083,- bruto per maand in het eerste jaar tot maximaal € 2664,- bruto per maand in het laatste aanstellingsjaar bij volledige werktijd. Het betreft een tijdelijke aanstelling voor een periode van in totaal vier jaar die dient te worden afgesloten met een individuele dissertatie. U krijgt eerst een tijdelijke aanstelling van 18 maanden. Na een beoordeling en bij gebleken geschiktheid wordt de aanstelling verlengd voor het resterende deel van het project.

U kunt solliciteren door middel van uw sollicitatiebrief voorzien van curriculum vitae en cijferlijst te sturen voor 18.04.2014 uitsluitend aan de hand van het sollicitatieformulier.

De sollicitatiegesprekken vinden plaats op 6 mei 2014.

Acquisitie wordt niet op prijs gesteld.


Voor informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:

Prof.dr. M. M. (Monicque) Lorist, 050-3636376,