PhD position at Ghent University

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student for a 4-year project on instruction following and its implementation in the human brain. An outline of the general project can be obtained upon request. The PhD research will be supervised by Tom Verguts (Ghent University, and Durk Talsma (Ghent University, The supervisors are specialized in cognitive control and instruction following, with methodological focus in resp. computational modeling and EEG.

Candidates should have a master’s degree in psychology, (cognitive) neuroscience, or a related discipline on the starting date. He or she will carry out behavioral and EEG experiments, potentially combined with computational modeling (depending on the candidate’s interests).

Experience with behavioral experimentation and EEG (programming, data collection, data analysis) is a strong benefit but not a must. In any case, the candidate must be highly motivated to learn such skills.

The starting date is October 2016 at the latest. Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations. Although the official language at Ghent University is Dutch, knowledge of Dutch is not required, and in general the research environment is strongly internationally oriented.

Interested candidates should send a CV, motivation letter, and two (email) addresses of potential referees to Informal inquiries can also be sent via email. Candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

For more information about the Department of Experimental Psychology, see

NVP Winterconference Update

Dear Members of the NVP,

We are happy to announce that this year’s Winter Conference is a record breaker in terms of submitted abstracts. We will sport:

  • 4 keynote lectures
  • 28 symposium presentations
  • 56 oral presentations
  • approx. 170 poster presentations

If you have submitted an abstract, you will be notified by the end of this week (21 November latest) whether your abstract is accepted as a poster or a talk. Please note that because of the high volume of submissions with preference for a talk, and the limited number of time slots for talks, we can only accommodate ~50% of the preferences for talks.


EPOS Practical course: “Positive Journal Interactions”

EPOS Practical course: “Positive Journal Interactions

Location: Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee

Time: 17 December 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (just before the beginning of the NVP Winter Conference)

Teacher: Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (

Course description: Whether you like it or not, interactions with academic journals are a pivotal part of your scientific career. In this short course Eric-Jan Wagenmakers discusses some guidelines that will help you produce constructive reviews, attractive papers, and compelling cover letters. All concepts are illustrated with concrete, real-life examples. Students are encouraged to send questions for discussion.

Lunch at 17/12 is included. If you need accommodation in the hotel on the 16th, you can make a reservation directly with the hotel for 47.50/pers (twin room) or 65.00/pers (individual room). This price includes breakfast buffet and use of the swimming pool and sauna.

Credit: 1 ECTS

For information on pricing and registration, see

Deadline for registration 3 December

EPOS Practical course: “Writing a Grant Proposal”

EPOS Practical course: “Writing a Grant Proposal

Location: Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee

Time: 16 December 4:00 pm17 December 2:00 pm (just before the beginning of the NVP Winter Conference)

Teachers: Sander Nieuwenhuis & Guido Band (

After finishing a dissertation, experimental psychologists usually need to acquire their own grant money, either with official granting organizations such as NWO, or with third party (commercial) companies. Chances in application do not only depend on a good proposal and a long publication list, but also on a good preparation, which this workshop is intended to facilitate. In the lecture part of this workshop Sander Nieuwenhuis and Guido Band chart the most relevant grant programs and discuss the do’s and don’ts before, during and after writing the application. In the practical part, the writing skills and presentation skills required for a successful application are trained.

In preparation, and as partial fulfillment for credit, a 2-A4 proposal has to be written in the format of an NWO Rubicon,Veni, or commercial grant application. During the practical part, we discuss the potential for improvement of the applications and participants give a 5-minute oral presentation of their proposal. The organizers are experienced both in writing and in reviewing grant applications for NWO. Target audience: 3rd and 4th year PhD students.

Dinner at 16/12 and Lunch at 17/12 are included, but accommodation in the hotel is not. You can make reservation directly with the hotel for 47.50/pers (twin room) or 65.00/pers (individual room). This price includes breakfast buffet and use of the swimming pool and sauna.

Credit: 1 ECTS

For information on pricing and registration, see

Deadline for registration 3 December

Deadline abstract submission NVP extended to 15 October!

The deadline for submitting your abstract is 15 October. To submit your abstract, go to:


You can request either a poster or an oral presentation. Compared to last year posters presentations will receive more time (longer presentations) and space (sessions will take place in two separate rooms).

NVP Winter Conference 2015

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the 15th NVP Winter Conference that will take place in Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands from December 17-19, 2015.

This 3-day meeting brings together Dutch and international scientists working on cognition, behavior and the brain, and features plenary sessions, member initiated symposia, poster sessions, four keynote lectures, the awarding of the NVP Disseration Prize, and a social programme.

Call for Abstracts
Registration for the conference is now open. To secure your place and/or to submit an abstract go to:
You can request either a poster or an oral presentation. Compared to last year posters presentations will receive more time (longer presentations) and space (sessions will take place in two separate rooms).

The deadline for abstract submission is October 15th, 2015.
Keynote speakers

The NVP Winter Conference will feature the following keynote speakers:

• Pieter Roelfsema (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience)

• Daniel Wolpert (Cambridge University)
• Heidi Johansen-Berg (Oxford University)
• Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (University of Amsterdam)

The NVP Winter Conference will feature the following symposia:

• Opportunities and Applications of Ultra High-Field MRI in Cognitive Neuroscience
• Predicting human actions: specialized and general mechanisms
• Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
• Knowledge representation and concept learning
• The brain in control
• Towards a cognitive account of human creativity
• Neural Network Profiles and Dynamics Begin to Shed Light on Neurocognitive Aging